When we speak of gods we are merely projecting our own imagination onto the said deity. Jehovah or the bible's supreme main deity is a projection of man's mental out look at the time using his own human emotions and labeling/projecting his deity with these very human charactoristics as hate, envy, jealousy, love, violence and so forth. Remember this is the bronze age there was a lot they haven't discovered about the world or cosmos yet.
I am tending to think that the mystics are right and every thing is just one thing(nonduality) the sense of being a you is merely brain function of the Default Mode Network which could be for all we know a computer simulation, inside a computer simulation on and on till infinity perhaps.
So any moral qualities we give to any god is just a projection from the mind, so to speak like we could know god's mind is therefore inaccurate and assuming too too much.